24th June 2024
Dear Members
We are nicely into the summer cruising season, but we are already planning for Craning Out in October and then the corresponding Craning In in April.
Important dates for your diary:
- Deadline to request craning out: 31st August. All requests must be made directly to the harbourmaster.
- Non-refundable deposit of £50 due: 31st August. To be paid directly into the club bank account.
- Balance of payment for craning out: 30th September
- Craning Out: Saturday 26th October 2024
- Craning In: Saturday 5th April 2025
The cost to members for Craning In/Out event is dependent upon the number of boats being lifted out of the water. We need to understand how many boats wish to be taken out of the water in order to be able to confirm exact costs. Once we have the numbers, we can confirm the cost.
Once you agree to take your boat out of the water, you will be expected to pay the whole balance. We anticipate the cost being between £150 and £220 per boat.
By requesting to take their boat out of the water, all members confirm that they will
- Hold a valid CRT licence on Saturday 26th October when taken out of the water
- Hold a valid CRT licence on Saturday 5th April when put back into the water
- Maintain continuous insurance cover for the period that the boat is out of the water
- Ensure their insurance policy covers the boat being taken out of the water, stored on the bank and returned to the water (if in doubt, ask your insurers)
- Be ready to have the boat returned to the water on Saturday 5th April
- Have sufficient and appropriate blocks onto which their boat can be placed in a stable position (many chocks may be useful). These must be in the vicinity of where the boat is to be placed on the bank (plan will be available in advance of Craning out)
- Not to move their boat while out of the water (yes, we have known people to move their boats gradually when out of the water – this is very dangerous to your own boat and other boats)
- Will pay the deposit and balance by the due dates listed above.
With the tightening of restrictions from the club’s insurance company, there needs to be some changes to how we run craning in/out.
- Each boat must have a representative present for each event (you can delegate this to someone else, but they need to know that they are representing you)
- Only the crane operators, the harbourmaster, assistant harbourmaster, land & buildings and one boat representative will be allowed in the vicinity of the boat being lifted.
- Once a boat has been placed on the bank/in the water, the boat representative will need to vacate the vicinity of the crane, with the next member then coming into the cordon.
- No members will be allowed to pass the crane while it is in operation.
It is likely that the cleaning of the boats may take longer than previous years due to the restriction of movements past the crane, but hopefully with less people around the crane, the lifts will happen more quickly.
Alan Jackson
Hon. Harbourmaster. NBCYC