Brief Role Descriptions


• To be the figurehead of the Club and to be the prime representative of the Club in all contact with outside persons and bodies.

• To chair Council and General Meetings.

• To guide Officers and Council Members in carrying out their duties and project plans, ensuring they are completed within agreed timescales.

• To ensure any sub-committees and co-opted members carry out their remits effectively and report within agreed timescales.

• To be responsible for the good conduct of all business and social aspects of the Club, and endeavor to foster good relations and esprit de corps amongst all Club members.

• To ensure that members are advised at the earliest opportunity of all matters that are thought to be of interest to them.

• With the other Flag Officers and or Club members, to arrange an annual short cruise for members.

• To be generally responsible for the good order of the Club’s affairs.

Vice Commodore

• To prepare for the Commodore’s role.

• To deputise for the Commodore.

• To generally assist the Commodore in the Club’s management.

• To be the primary contact point for membership concerns.

• To be responsible for the Trophy award process.


• To maintain full records of all financial transactions on behalf of the Club.

• To pay all due bills within a reasonable time after presentation to the Club.

• To prepare financial documents for the Annual Accounts.

• To submit all necessary papers to the Auditors as approved by the Council.

• To present details of the Annual Accounts at AGM.

• To present at each Council Meeting a summary of all expenditure incurred since the last meeting and give a summary of account balances.

• To check expense forms for calculation errors and be in possession of original receipts.

Minutes Secretary

• To be responsible for recording Council Minutes and obtaining Council approval for such minutes.

Membership Secretary

• To process membership applications and annual renewals.

• In hand with the Treasurer, to collect and record seasonal mooring fees, keeping adequate records of all such transactions.

• To maintain membership and seniority records.


• To allocate moorings in accordance with the Club’s Articles, and the Council’s directive; through planning, strive to maximise the available mooring space.

• To arrange crane hire for craning out events and notify all members of such events.

• To take full charge of Craning In / Out events and ensure Health and Safety compliance is respected.

• To inspect the moorings and advise Council on their suitability and safety together with proposed remedial measures.

• To submit a report at each General Meeting.

• To arrange temporary moorings for members of the Club, AWCC members, other such visitors, ensuring that at least 3rd Party insurance is in force.

Assistant Harbourmaster

• To assist the Harbourmaster and take over duties in the Harbourmaster’s absence.

• To prepare for the role of Harbourmaster.

Social Secretary

• To submit a broad outline of social events for approval by the Council and then to organise such events.

• To circulate to all members of each event at least one month before it takes place.

• In hand with the Treasurer, manage the collection of all monies in respect of each event.

• To submit a report to each General Meeting.

• To maintain a register of attendance at social functions.

Land & Buildings Officer

• To lead the management of site security.

• To be responsible for building and land maintenance.

• To manage club equipment.

• To be Team Leader on Working Days.

• To inform the Council on all appropriate matters relating to the upkeep of the site and buildings thereon.

Assistant Land & Buildings Officer

  • To assist the Land & Buildings Officer and take over duties in the Land & Buildings Officer’s absence.
  • To prepare for the role of Land & Buildings Officer.

Media Editor

• To produce and be responsible for distributing a Club magazine / newsletter 4 times annually, which contain topics on social events, trips, cruises, etc., together with input topics from the membership.

Council Members

• To increase membership of the Council to provide a broader representation of member opinions.

• To take an active part in the deliberations of the Council.

• To undertake tasks / projects on behalf of the Council and which are commensurate with individual skills and abilities.

• To be receptive of comments and concerns of members, and to ensure that they are fairly reflected in Council discussions.

• To serve and support the Council and to accept collective responsibility for its actions.

• To be a succession planning resource for active progression to named Honorary Council roles.