Welcome Booklet

Welcome to Nantwich & Border Counties Yacht Club Limited

We hope that this booklet will be helpful to you on becoming a member of Nantwich & Border Counties Yacht Club Ltd. Please take a few minutes to read through this booklet and keep it handy. Hopefully it will answer some of the questions that you may have.

We hope that you enjoy your time as a member here!

As a Cruising and Social club….. We rely on the good will and co-operation from all our members to make the cruising and social events a success.

We are a friendly group who will always try to help with any boating queries. Some of our members have been boating for many years and have a wealth of knowledge to freely share with you.

We hope to see you at the social events.

Every now and then, the council may ask you to volunteer for some maintenance work i.e. leaf clearing, painting and general maintenance.

Facebook….. Is for club members only. Please only use it for club information, reports and pictures of cruises, social events and any news that may affect members boating activities.

Website…..you can find it by searching … nbcyc.club

This is a public and secure website which has a password protected ”members only” section.

Contact…..you can find all councils details on the website and in the signing in hut.

The Signing-In Hut…..Is where you will find the book, and visitors book, to sign in on arrival, cruise blackboard (to record any cruising holidays you take so the Harbourmaster knows where temporary visitors can moor) club information and a library for members to bring or borrow books and DVD’s.

Toilet block….. The toilet block has two toilet cubicles each containing a toilet and a wash basin, an Elsan unit and a fresh water tap. It uses a macerator system which will block if anything other that toilet tissue is used. It is important that all the instructions are followed to maintain the proper functioning of the block.

Club House…..There you will find the Memorial Board, a kitchen, fridge, freezer (you are welcome to use these, please put your name on any items you store there) a microwave and a kettle. It is a great place to meet up and socialise, all we ask is that you tidy up and remove any rubbish etc after use.

This room is also used for council meetings and can be used anytime except when there is a meeting in progress.

Electricity Points…..Are provided alongside the moorings and provide a 6-amp power source. It is intended for battery charging and power tools only.

Water Points….. Are spread alongside the moorings but are turned off in winter to avoid them freezing. You will be informed of the turning off and on dates. Fresh water can still be obtained from the tap in the toilet block.

Workshops and Sheds…..We have two workshops/sheds equipped with materials and tools. They are available for use by club members but must be signed out in the book provided and returned to where they came from in a good and clean condition. If anything is broken, please inform a member of council. Please always follow Health and Safety guidelines.

Craning In/Out for GRP Boats…..This is usually done every two years at the club, with the costs being split between the users. Contact the Harbourmaster for more details.

Moorings…..Please keep your mooring tidy and remove all rubbish. If you have a dog, then it must be kept on a lead at all times except when it is on the boat.

Parking….. Please park along the Dorfold hedge in the same direction as the mooring fingers. Only park by your boat when loading and unloading.

Officer of the Day…..

The ‘Officer of the Day’ List is prepared at the beginning of each calendar year and members are expected to help maintain the moorings by adding their names and preferred date(s) to the list kept in the signing-in hut. Please find a substitute if you cannot come on the date you selected.

The weekend duty lasts from 10:00 hours Saturday to 16:00 hours Sunday. Duties may be shared between members doing one day each. Those only able to do the Sunday duty should begin at 10:00 hours.

During your duty please…..

  • Raise and lower the Club flags (The flags and a picture of their positions are kept in the filing cabinet in the signing-in hut)
  • Ensure that the Club security gate is kept closed and secure.
  • Check that no unauthorized people gain access to the moorings.
  • Deal with any membership enquiries. (Membership forms are in the signing-in hut). Prospective members can also visit the club website information and club fees section and join on- line using the on-line application form.
  • Request that members and visitors sign in on arrival.
  • Walk the moorings to check the security of boats and boundaries .
  • Accommodate visiting boats only in accordance with the Harbourmaster’s instructions (available in the signing-in hut) and permission. Harbourmaster’s contact details are on the website or found in the signing in hut. (The Officer of the Day must have a member’s login to view). The club takes visiting boats from other cruising clubs up to a maximum of 40ft subject to availability.
  • Clean and tidy the inside of all buildings including the toilets, and seek to ensure the tidy appearance of the site generally.
  • At the end of the duty, ensure that all the buildings are locked and that any electrical switches (other than those marked) are turned off.
  • Please note: As the electricity meter readings are now being logged automatically there is no longer a need for the Officer of the Day to log the electricity meter reading.

Now come the club rules which all members need to abide by for the safety and well being of everyone on the moorings!

Record your arrival using the book in the Signing-In Hut.

Please leave the workshops as you find them after you have used them.

Your allocated moorings can be changed if the Harbour master deems it necessary for better use of space.

All dogs must be kept on a lead when on the moorings except when on a boat.

Clean up any mess made by your dogs immediately.

Please use the electricity supply sensibly and NEVER when you are not on your boat! The terminals supply 6 amps and are intended for battery charging and power tool use only.

Please follow the instructions displayed in the toilet/Elsan block before use.

Please clean up after yourselves around the site, removing all refuse when you leave the site.

The security gate must be locked at all times.